Friday 19 February 2016

Voleu saber una mica més del nostre director??

Adam Kirkman porta la direcció de Cambridge School la Garriga des del curs 2011/2012:

           Where are you from?

England! I’ve lived in lots of different places, including, Manchester, Oxford, Bristol, and London. I think my favourite was Bristol, it’s a great place to live.

      Which is your favorite Spanish food?

That’s a difficult choice, I love most of the food here. If I had to choose one, I would say galtes de porc.

What do you do in your free time?

I have a two year old son, so I like to spend as much time with him as I can. Other than that, mountain biking, playing pool, snowboarding, walking, and lazing on the beach in the summer.

What kind of music do you like?

I love all kinds of music. I guess I listen to more British artists than anything else, but I also enjoy listening to music from all over the world.

Do you understand or speak Spanish or Catalan?

I speak Spanish quite well, although it could always be better. I understand a lot of Catalan, but don’t speak much (yet!).

How long have you lived in Catalonia?

      I’ve lived here for nearly 10 years now, the longest I’ve ever lived in the same place!

Name a book you’re read recently.

I recently finished ‘I am Pilgrim’, by Terry Hayes. It’s a thriller with a twist.

And what is the film you’re watched recently in the cinema?

Star Wars! My brother and I are both big fans, so we went to watch it together the last time I was in England. I really enjoyed it.

Friday 12 February 2016

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Setmana d'exàmens..... Good luck everyone!!!!

Aquesta setmana molts dels nostres alumnes de Cambridge School La Garriga tindran alguna part de l'examen de mig curs. Ànims, que amb una mica de sacrifici tindreu la vostra recompensa.