Friday, 24 February 2017

La nostra escola també ha fet una mica de gresca.

Jan, Asha and Nil

Berta, Ariadna and Sandra

Clàudia, Martina and Diana 

Aleix, Arnau and Marc

Carlota and Alejandra

Júlia and Nayra

Quim and Víctor

Elsa and Emma

Pere and Joana



Thursday, 16 February 2017


Paula, Adrià, Isona and Julen have been practising making comparisons. 

Friday, 3 February 2017

Mid course exam

Aquesta setmana ja hem començat amb els exàmens de mig curs.

Goog luck everybody!!!

Mitja Marató and Cambridge School

The Granollers Fun Run (Mitja Marato), which a team from the school are running in, is on Sunday this week.  They're raising money for this year's Mans Unides project, which is to build a farm supply shop in a deprived area of rural Mexico.  The project is designed to support the redevelopment of coffee and cocoa crops and the production of chocolate in one of the poorest areas of the country.